Personal Safety
January 1, 2024

Active Shooter Preparedness


Active shooter situations are unpredictable, rapidly evolving scenarios that can occur in any community or environment. At RSU, we understand the critical nature of these threats and are dedicated to providing comprehensive training and solutions. Our approach integrates advanced technology, research-driven strategies, and a deep commitment to community safety to create robust, tailored security solutions. This article provides an in-depth guide on active shooter awareness and training, reflecting RSU's ethos of protection, innovation, and community responsibility.

Understanding Active Shooter Situations

Quick Facts:

  • Active shooter situations are often over within 10-15 minutes, which means the immediate response is crucial.
  • These incidents are unpredictable and evolve quickly, typically ending before law enforcement arrives.

Profile of an Active Shooter:

  • There is no one-size-fits-all profile. Active shooters come from various backgrounds and have different motivations.
  • Common motives include anger, revenge, ideology, or a desire to inflict significant harm.

RSU’s Protective Actions: Before, During, and After an Active Shooter Event

Before the Event:

  • Understand the Environment: Conduct regular security assessments of your environment to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Training and Preparedness: Engage in RSU's active shooter training programs, which include scenario-based drills, situational awareness techniques, and decision-making under stress.
  • Emergency Plans: Develop and understand active shooter protocols specific to your environment. Regularly update and communicate these plans with all stakeholders.
  • Situational Awareness: Promote a culture of awareness. Encourage individuals to be mindful of their environment and any potential dangers.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Establish clear reporting channels for individuals to report suspicious activity or behavior.

During the Event:

  • Run, Hide, Fight: Emphasize the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) recommended response: Run if you can, Hide if you can’t run, and Fight as a last resort.
  • Communication: Use any available means to communicate with law enforcement and provide real-time information.
  • Minimize Exposure: Teach techniques to minimize exposure and make oneself a harder target for the shooter.

After the Event:

  • Medical Assistance: Train individuals in basic first aid and trauma care to assist with injuries until professional help arrives.
  • Post-Event Management: Provide guidelines on reuniting with family members, speaking to the media, and obtaining psychological support.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and improve response plans based on lessons learned from drills and real-life incidents.

Research and Validation by RSU

Research Summary:

  • RSU’s Protective Actions are based on a blend of academic research, technical expertise from law enforcement, and real-world application.
  • We continuously monitor and analyze data on active shooter incidents to refine our training and response strategies.

Research Limitations:

  • It’s challenging to predict when and where an active shooter incident will occur. However, understanding behaviors and indicators can help in prevention.
  • No single solution fits all scenarios. Customization and adaptability are key to effective response plans.

Death and Injury Impact Statistics:

  • Active shooter incidents can result in severe casualties. Training and preparedness are vital in reducing the number of deaths and injuries.
  • The psychological impact on survivors and the community can be profound and long-lasting.

Effective Protective Action Timeframes:

  • The effectiveness of protective actions is greatly enhanced by regular training and drills.
  • Immediate, decisive action during an event can save lives. The timeframe for effective response is often very short.

RSU's Messaging Focus:

  • Empowerment Through Training: Emphasize the importance of active shooter training as a tool for empowerment, enabling individuals to respond effectively during crises.
  • Community Involvement: Foster a sense of shared responsibility within the community. Encourage collaboration and communication among all members.
  • Resilience and Recovery: Focus on not just surviving an active shooter event, but also recovering from one. Provide resources and support for psychological and community recovery.

Research and Collaboration Needs:

  • Predictive Analytics: Develop and refine predictive models to identify potential threats and enable proactive measures.
  • Effectiveness Studies: Conduct studies on the effectiveness of different training methods and protective actions in real-life scenarios.
  • Community Engagement: Research ways to enhance community involvement and cooperation in active shooter preparedness and response.


RSU is committed to redefining security in a rapidly evolving world. Active shooter awareness and training are critical components of our comprehensive approach to safety. By understanding the threat, preparing effectively, and responding decisively, we can significantly mitigate the impact of these tragic events. With RSU's expertise and commitment, individuals, communities, and organizations can foster a safer environment for everyone. Together, we can make a difference in ensuring that freedom, privacy, transparency, and protection are not just ideals, but realities for all our clients.